
这个小“动物园”是一个800英亩的保护区的一部分,这个保护区被称为阴影沼泽保护区,它在20世纪30年代开始是一个野生动物康复中心。受伤的动物得到了照顾,并被放归野外。它住着鸟、狼、熊和许多其他动物。被许多人称为“法明顿动物园”(Farmington Zoo)的这个动物园,还设有一个浣熊和兔子等动物的繁殖计划,这些动物在大萧条时期经常在繁忙的高速公路上被猎杀。

Shade Swamp作为动物园的名声传开了,很快人们就把他们不想再照顾的异国宠物带了进来:猴子、短吻鳄,甚至还有一只搁浅嘉年华上的小长颈鹿。大萧条后不久,繁殖计划就结束了,在美国84号公路占用了6号公路的大部分交通后,保护区后来在20世纪60年代被废弃。

1934年,平民保护队(Civilian Conservation Corps)的成员在保护区建造了一个木制避难所。正是由于这件文物,该地区被列入了国家史迹名录。beplay体育官网电脑板现在有一个两个路线从6号公路跑到废弃的庇护所和空笼子。


你可以把阴影沼泽输入GPS,它会带你去那里。如果不行,你需要做的就是坐6号路西到法明顿。阴影沼泽在右边,就在新不列颠大道的十字路口前。如果你走到红绿灯前,说明你刚刚过了红绿灯。有一个小停车场。停车场旁边是CCC木制庇护所。你会看到一个木制标志,上面写着Shade Swamp Sanctuary Blue Trail。这条小路很窄,有点杂草丛生。你可以在指示牌和后面的庇护所之间找到它。走到那些废弃的笼子很容易。不到5分钟。 If you want to do the full blue trail it can be confusing and has many side trails you can get lost on. If you follow the trail between the cages and into the woods you should be fine. There are a couple of well-used trails to follow. The trail is about 1.3 miles. If you do decide to do the trail, once you get up the hill and come back around the bottom of the hill go back the path you came instead of going on the other path. Be VERY careful if you decide to explore behind the cages. There are concrete access hatches that are no longer covered and it would be easy to fall in (see photo). Best stay on the main trail. Once you've been there a few times & are familiar with the area you can do a little exploring.This is a swamp, so the best time to go is when the weather is cooler rather than in summer since mosquitoes become a major problem once the weather gets warm. Also the trails tend to become overgrown and harder to follow.Be careful to not confuse this with another 'Shade Swamp' hiking area a little further up rt 6. This one is clearly marked 'Blue Trail' whereas the other is only marked 'Shade Swamp Sanctuary'. This second one also makes for a nice hike for anyone so inclined. It's perhaps 1/4 mile up the road on the right just past the Jillybeans farm stand.



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