



然而,在30多年的时间里,没有人看到过这项工作。罗伯特·史密森(Robert Smithson)在干旱期间建造了这座螺旋形建筑,一旦水位恢复正常,它就被淹没了30年,并在2004年的干旱中再次出现。





每辆车的里程表读数都不一样。下面给出的距离只是近似值。自然资源部在每个转弯处/岔路口都张贴了指示牌,指示去码头的方向。请不要把这些标志当作纪念品。1.前往犹他州布里格姆市以西30英里处的金钉国家历史遗址(GSNHS)。螺旋码头位于GSNHS游客中心西南15.5土路英里处。2.要到达那里(从盐湖城),沿I-15号公路向北走约65英里,到达位于犹他州布里格姆市以西的科琳出口(365号出口)。出了门,右转上13号公路到科琳。 LAST GAS before Spiral Jetty is in Corinne at the Sinclair truck stop. 3. Past Corinne, the road becomes Highway 83. Continue west for 17.7 miles. 4. Turn left onto "Golden Spike Road" and continue 7.7 miles up the east side of Promontory Pass to GSNHS. LAST BATHROOMS before Spiral Jetty are at the GSNHS’s Visitor Center. 5. From the Visitor Center, drive 5.6 miles west on the main gravel road to a fork in the road. Continue left, heading west. (From this vantage, the low foothills that make up Rozel Point are visible to the Southwest.) 6. Immediately you cross a cattle guard. Call this cattle guard #1. Including this one, you cross four cattle guards before you reach Rozel Point and Spiral Jetty. 7. Drive 1.3 miles south to a second fork in the road. Turn right onto the southwest fork, and proceed 1.7 miles to cattle guard #2. 8. Continue southeast 1.2 miles to cattle guard #3. 9. Continue straight 2.8 miles south-southwest to cattle guard #4 and an iron-pipe gate. 10. At this gate the Class D (gravel) road designation ends. From here, four-wheel drive, high clearance vehicles are strongly recommended. 11. If you choose to continue, drive south for another 2.7 miles, and around the east side of Rozel Point, you will see the Lake and a jetty (not Spiral Jetty) left by oil drilling explorations that ended in the 1980s. 12. Southwest beyond the site of the oil jetty, turn right onto a two-track trail that contours above the oil-drilling debris below. Travel slowly--the road is narrow, brush might scratch your vehicle, and the rocks, if not properly negotiated, could high center your vehicle or blow out your tires. Don't hesitate to park and walk. Spiral Jetty is just around the corner. 13. Drive or walk 6/10th of a mile west around Rozel Point and look toward the Lake. Spiral Jetty may be in sight. The lake’s levels vary several feet from year-to-year and from season to season, so Spiral Jetty is not always visible above the water line. *addendum circa 2012: the road has been much improved since the above was written, is signed and navigable by passenger car though high clearance is much preferable. google maps will direct you to Spiral Jetty, though cell service is intermittent past the golden spike museum.


